Photos – In The Community
Dracut Public Safety Night
Club members were out in force once again in support of the town at the annual safety night. Record numbers of people came out to enjoy the food, festivities, and fireworks. CSC Members provided traffic control and parking at the three satellite parking locations as well as at the event, freeing up police officers to support their event.

COA Thanksgiving Grab-n-Go Meals
The Dracut Council on Aging passed out over 150 meals prepared by The Arbor’s of Dracut at the annual Thanksgiving meal grab-n-go event. The event was held at the COA on Mammoth Road this year. Some years it’s sunny and warm, some years very cold, and this year won as the rainiest year! Even with the weather, it was a lot of fun and a lot have happy seniors.

C.S.C. At Dracut Old Home Day
Great job helping with the race organizing and making sure the runners knew to correct route! A HUGE Thank You to the Centralville Sportsmen’s Club for helping to make DOHD such a big success!

“To our friends at the Centralville Sportsmen’s Club there are just not enough ways to thank you for your dedication to this event. These folks pictured here spend two days with us, some up to 12 hours a day to help us set up. No matter the weather, no matter how difficult, they are with us each year and smiling all the way! Such a wonderful group of men and women. We cherish our friendship with them and the support that we receive from them. Thank YOU! You guys are the best!”

The Dracut Old Home Day Committee honored the Centralville Sportsmen’s Club with a plaque in recognition of our support of the DOHD event. We are always happy to contribute to the town and we greatly appreciate their recognition of our efforts.
Scouting’s Klondike Derby
The Scouts had a great day for the Klondike Derby. Just enough snow on the ground to pull their sleds and cold enough to keep the snow from melting. At the Klondike Derby, scouts are challenged to complete several stations including an obstacle course, archery challenge, orienteering, shelter building, rifle challenge, and fire starting. At each station the scouts will demonstrate skills that will serve them throughout scouting and throughout life.

Steer Roast
Members and guests enjoyed perfect weather, great food, and tons of fun at this year’s Annual Steer Roast. The kids enjoyed a water slide and found plenty of games and were able to get a lesson in archery! As has become tradition, the food was capped off by a variety of Shaw’s Ice Cream. Thank you to ML Shaws, Lyndie Shaw, Saja Farm, Brown & Budnick Meats, and everyone who came out to support the club. A special thank you to the crew that spent long hours preparing, cooking, serving, and cleaning up after. These volunteers make these events so successful for their fellow members and for our guests!

Fishing Derby

Spring Cleanup
Truck-loads of Trash Removed From Wheeler Road, Parker Road, and Old Parker Road. Thanks to the many volunteers who gave up a beautiful Spring day to clean up the neighborhood around the clubhouse. It’s amazing how much trash accumulates over the Winter. Wheeler Road from 113 to Bernard St and Parker and Old Parker from Wheeler Road to Saja Farm looks so much better!

Thank you to everyone who makes the Santa Drive-By such a huge success. There are far too many people to thank but special thanks to Rich Almeida, Dan Croce, and Town Departments for making this happen. The many C.S.C. members who brave the early morning weather to start setting up, then stay for the day, and come back after to break it all down are all phenomenal. The Dracut Town Manager’s offfice, the DPW, Police, Fire, and Recreation Departments, and the Dracut Historical Society all go above and beyond to make this event such a success. Eric Vozella’s two vintage tractors are a hit with many residents. Thanks to the Dracut Cultural Council, we had an awesome display of decorated snowmen! One department could not have accomplished so much but when a great town and a great club get together anything is possible.
Click HERE for photos

Veteran’s Appreciation Parade
The Centralville Sportsmen’s Club honored those who gave all in defense of our country again this year with our participation in the Memorial Day Parade event. Members helped with traffic and staging parade participants and then walking in the parade handing out hundreds of flags and pieces of candy to parade viewers.
All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Troop 51 – Camping, Fishing, Marksmanship
Boy Scout Troop 51 enjoyed excellent weather for camping at the club on a recent weekend. Great food, good friends, and fun activities always make for a successful event.

Cub Scouts / Scouts BSA / Venturing Crew 308

Dracut Food Pantry
C.S.C. answers the call for help and pitches in to move the Dracut Food Pantry’s food, office furniture and supplies to a temporary location while their area is under construction. C.S.C. returns to move everything back into the new and improved original location.
The Dracut Food Pantry provides us with many reasons to feel grateful. As many of you know, we have been in a temporary space (within the same building) while renovations have been underway. We are happy to let you know that we are back in our original, newly renovated, space. We could not have moved without the help of the Centralville Sportsmen’s Club. A huge thank you to this organization who helped us move into the temporary space and back into the renovated space. We are lucky to count the Centralville Sportsmen’s Club among our friends.
— Dracut Food Pantry April 22, 2019