The Centralville Sportsmen’s Club has something for everyone. State of the art trap, pistol, rifle, and archery ranges as well as ponds for fishing, a function hall, and large outdoor picnic area.
A five station trap field with voice activated controls. Trap is open to the public on Sundays at 1:00 PM and Mondays at 5:00 PM (Weather and daylight permitting)
Both a 100-yard rifle range with a shed for protection from the elements and a 50′ range are available to members after 1:00 PM on Sundays and after 8:00 AM all other days. Outdoor ranges are open until dusk.
Two private ponds are stocked with trout in April for the annual fishing derby. After the derby members are welcome to fish the ponds all Summer as long as the fish and water lasts. A fishing license is not required as these are private ponds.
A covered pavilion with picnic tables and a large field make an ideal place for a large picnic
Master chef (specializing in burgers and sausage)
The main room in the clubhouse has a 150 seat capacity with an adjacent commercial kitchen for club events. The room is available for rent to members for a nominal fee.
A six-station indoor 50′ range is available to members 24-hours a day.
An archery range with a stand to practice shooting from height as well as a 30-station 3-D archery course.
View of the 50′ range, the 100′ range and the trap field
View of the snack shack, picnic pavilion, and archery practice field. Behind the pavilion is the first station of the 30-station 3-D archery course.